12 July, 2021
Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, and have not charity, I am become as sounding brass, or a tinkling cymbal. – 1 Corinthians 13:1
Lord God, Eternal Father, in bliss and in harmony, in silent exultation, we worship and adore you for your unblemished, flawless, unparalleled love for humanity. You, Father, are the epitome of love and this is the greatest virtue specific of your new covenant, the covenant of love. To love you, our God, above all things, with the very core of our beings and to love our neighbor as we love ourselves.
Father, your infinite love is manifested perfectly by giving your only begotten Son so He could redeem us back to yourself. Experiencing your love is the greatest gift we can ever receive, and sharing this godly, spiritual, charitable love with our brethren is what we need to reach you, who, arms outstretched, are waiting for us to accept your free offer of eternal life, the best gift of all.
Our offerings of love and understanding, selflessness and sacrifice are more precious in your eyes and will pave the way for our spiritual salvation, more surely, than all our acquired spiritual virtues, including that of speaking in tongues and praying and chanting incessantly your Holy Name for your glory. Lord, help us to realize that this is just unwholesome noise, if not performed out of a true root of love to our fellowmen, flowing from a true love for you, and out of obedience to your precept, of love for all, even our foes, in Jesus’ Name. Amen