Prayers and Petitions

1 Corinthians 3:7

20 January, 2024

So then neither is he that planteth any thing, neither he that watereth; but God that giveth the increase.
1 Corinthians 3:7

Eternal God, All-powerful, Incomparable in strength and knowledge, we are your exultant creation, for Whom you have created the entire earth, planted with wholesome seeds which grow and blossom into flowers and fruit, for our use according to the nature of their shoots. You make the sun shine and the rain fall for the growth of these plants, which harvest or either, according to your masterplan. So also, our spirits are planted and grow and spread into fruitful ministry, by the work of your hands, for your everlasting glory.

We are but instruments in your most capable hands dear Father, and have done nothing in comparison with you. Rather, we bend and grow as your Will unfolds in our lives, subject to your Word. The ministry of your holy gospel takes root and spreads in fulfillment of the purpose and foundation you set for it, and the spiritual plantation of this earth works to it’s proper nature and virtue given to it by you and you alone.

For man has but to comply with and obey your ordinances and walk in the paths you have set forth for him, following in your footsteps. Lord, we pray that you bless us to become worthy instruments towards the spreading of your Kingdom here on earth, the increase of which is granted by your Grace and favor, through the working of our hands, lifted in worship of you. We pray that we obtain the increase of abundance of your special grace, which is necessary both to conversion and edification, in Jesus’ Name. Amen

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