Prayers and Petitions

1 John 3: 1

1 February, 2021

How great is the love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God! And that is what we are! The reason the world does not know us is that it did not know him. 1 John 3:1

Holy God, our Father, our Immortal and Mighty God, the heavenly bodies and your chosen people sing out your praises, feeling with the intensity of an experiential faith the graces you shower on your created ones on earth, who live by your word of truth which serves as our shield of protection against the onslaughts of a boastful and vengeful world.

We are your elect, your children, effectual by our being members of the one, true church, formed by Jesus himself, with him as the head and the community of Christians belonging to the church as members of Christ’s body. We have the eternal word of truth revealed and handed to us by Jesus, through his apostles, whom he commissioned with the task of bearing witness to it by spreading the gospel throughout the world. Our Savior Jesus has bound us to you, Father, through the new covenant, whereby, by your saving grace, we are upheld through adoption as children of your kingdom.

The church is invincible and will stand forever, as a true, living monument, because it is we, the children of our Father God, who are its formation, with Jesus as the cornerstone, the firm, unshakable foundation. It cannot be vanquished by Satan’s conniving, which has brought about many variants, the weak and the unfaithful falling away, forming self-proclaimed denominations of gatherings which cannot hold fast, but disintegrate still further.

As evangelists, help us to don a fearless attitude in revealing the good news of your Kingdom to unbelievers, waiting to discern the truth. Bring us to a pure understanding of the essence of your holy word, which is indivisible, which instructs us to love one another and stay bound together in your promises in Christ Jesus our Lord. Amen

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