Prayers and Petitions

2 Corinthians 9:7

8 September, 2021

Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.- 2 Corinthians 9:7

Eternal God, all that we have comes from you, for everything belongs to you, O God and Lord of Creation and of our Salvation. We depend totally on your providence, your sustenance, your grace and your deliverance. If we function, it is through you, Mighty God. Our very life and each breath we take are gifts from you and we bow before you in humble gratitude, submission and adoration.

Jesus has taught us to be generous in our interactions, making no distinction between those who have everything and those unfortunates, who are in need. We, as Christians, have to serve and provide for the needy, the same way Jesus did, providing not just material but also mental, spiritual and physical needs. We need to give aid cheerfully, with obedient and generous hearts, and with Christian grace, that brings blessings to others, benefit to ourselves and glory to you, Father.

May we imbibe a spirit of Christlike generosity and open heartedness, without any grudge or unwillingness, but giving with spontaneity and loving care, for you love one that gives with freedom and open-handedness. Lord, may we be blessed with purity of intent and not give as if it were by constraint, or force. You consider the will and affection of the giver, not the quantity of the gift and we pray that we may always make evident that we abide in Christ, in our everyday dealings with others, in Jesus’ Name. Amen

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