Prayers and Petitions

2 John 1:6

17 June, 2024

And this is love, that we walk after his commandments. This is the commandment, that, as ye have heard from the beginning, ye should walk in it. – 2 John 1:6

Eternal God, to know you is to know love, true, unconditional, perfect and absolute, which epitomises your nature, your Being and the uppermost of your attributes. Only love and loving can see us through this life on earth and carry us straight into the aura of your Presence and this is your only commandment, which we are exhorted to follow with all our minds, hearts and strength of spirit Our obedience to your Holy Will is fulfilled, when we love you and then love our fellowmen, as we love ourselves.

If we walk in your love Lord, we put you, above all else, and follow your dictates diligently and righteously. Loving without expectation is loving freely and without guile. It means living in humility, without any ego or thought for ourselves. It means being selfless, making sacrifices and walking in patience, perfection and in holiness. according to the command, which we have received from the very beginning. This love is the greatest commandment, which we have to preach, practice, follow and persevere in. It is love which keeps away all evil and wickedness, because love is light and evil is darkness. We need to walk in the light of love and faith and dispel darkness.

May we always walk in the light of your love, dear God, putting aside our differences, putting others before self, serving and encouraging, preaching and teaching, to follow the sacrificial love which Jesus has displayed to us, by giving up his life in selfless sacrifice, to draw us into the grace of your love. We are required to strictly adhere to your commandment of love, in order that we may rise above base, worldly desires, that encourage selfish ambition. By following the pure and holy doctrine of the gospel, we can unite in unanimous love and obedience, this being the best expression of love to you, our God of Love, and the true centre and bond of love to one another, in Jesus’ Name. Amen

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