Prayers and Petitions

Colossians 3:13

10 May, 2023

Make allowance for each other’s faults, and forgive anyone who offends you. Remember, the Lord forgave you, so you must forgive others. – Colossians 3:13

Abba Father, you are a God Whose Mercy and Compassion are like the waters of a deep ocean, everflowing, replenishing and inexhaustible. Father, when we prostrate before you in humility, with penitent hearts full of abhorrent feelings for the offences we have committed, you forgive us even our most heinous crimes, and remember our sins no more. Father, your Holy Spirit dwelling within us, assists us in relinquishing the grip of all the wrongs committed by others against us and forgiving them, the way you forgive us, wholly and unequivocally.

Lord, help us to be Christ-like in our attitude towards our brethren and empower us to sow only seeds of love and mercy in our hearts, that we may forgive as we are forgiven, and that we may cleanse our hearts of all vengeful thoughts. May we replace them with the same love and forgiveness that you have shown us, becoming examples of generosity and compassion, thus edifying the Church and bringing greater glory to your Holy Name.

We are quick to retaliate when others offend us and pray that your forgiveness and mercy towards all sinners, your love in uplifting the most wanton sinner when they truly repent, and your immense sacrifice, paid by Jesus Christ for the atonement of the sins of humanity, may not be in vain. May we be slow to anger and repay those who offend us, with love and forgiveness. Acknowledging our own shortcomings and weaknesses, our own forays into alleys of wickedness and your great love in forgiving and absolving our sins, grant us hearts that are generous in making allowances towards others and helping them come into the light of your grace, in Jesus’ Name. Amen

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