Prayers and Petitions

Ecclesiasticus 2: 4-5

13 February, 2023

Take all that shall be brought upon thee: and in thy sorrow endure, and in thy humiliation keep patience. For gold and silver are tried in the fire, but acceptable men in the furnace of humiliation. Ecclesiasticus 2:4-5

Almighty Father, we call out your Holy Name with great outpourings of our heart, in the fear and love of your unparalleled glory and majesty. While the heavens and the earth sing of your great power with voices soaring in unmatched crescendo, man has experienced your mercy and compassion and knows that your love exceeds all bounds and your righteousness surpasses all understanding.

Lord, we humbly approach you, praying fervently that we be given strength and tranquility to accept all that befalls us in this life, enduring our sufferings with forbearance, knowing that we are already saved by Christ’s sacrifice and are blessed with your grace and favor. We understand that we must be tested for our faith and trust in you, which should not fall short of your grace, but should bring us to a clearer knowledge and understanding of our merciful God.

We cleave to you with boundless belief that you will never forsake us, but will be ever present with us through the power of your Spirit within us and that every hurdle crossed is a testament of our sanctification process, and a step closer to you. We hope to be spiritually worthy and pure when we stand before you, in the presence of your majesty and our names are listed as your children, this we humbly pray in the name of Jesus the Lord. Amen

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