Prayers and Petitions

Ephesians 2: 10

10 March, 2024

For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do. – Ephesians 2:10

Creator God, you have molded us and shaped us in your image and carefully placed us in our mother’s womb to be nurtured and to grow in your perfection. You are the greatest, most incredible Lord of all creation, having created the most amazing masterpieces, the greatest marvel of all creation being us, human beings, for you breathed your breath into us and gave us your Spirit.

You created us with great love, filling our beings with the most brilliant gifts and talents, to be used for the glory of your Holy Name. You gave us a mind to perform in accordance with your Holy Will and drew the most exquisite and detailed plans to be followed for our well-being. We pray that your guidance keeps us on the path we ought to follow, to reach our heavenly abode. May our life always reflect that we live in Christ.

Though we sinned against you Lord, you did not abandon us, but have uplifted us with your grace and mercy and restored us to our former heritage, to pursue with added zeal the path you have chosen for us. Thank you for your compassion dear Father, for your forgiveness, for your strength and for your refuge. We pray that with your grace we may become more like Christ every day. Father, we work towards completing with honor and fervor the mission and purpose destined by you for our lives. May our good works increase your glory, and may your unfailing grace help us to draw others to you by the witness of our faith in the Name of Jesus our Lord. Amen

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