Prayers and Petitions

Ephesians 3:20

9 November, 2021

Now to Him who is able to do far more abundantly beyond all that we ask or think, according to the power that works within us. – Ephesians 3:20

God of Infinite Goodness, Who gives succour to the helpless and desperate souls and upholds and strengthens those who call out to him, Whose Power and Wisdom is incomprehensible in sheer magnitude and Whose love is unconditional we extol your Holy Name. You have delivered, transformed and sustained us and we are grateful beyond measure or expression, humbly acknowledging your sovereignty.

Our faith in Jesus and our trust and confidence in your saving grace, which he has revealed to us, gives to our lives new meaning. We believe that Jesus has saved us for eternity following your plan of salvation and we exalt you to the heavens, for we have died to sin and everything of the world and cleave to our beloved Savior, for redeeming and sanctifying us, abiding with him in total surrender.

Lord, Jesus has taught us to follow your Holy Will with submission and humility, for the indwelling Spirit within us moves us to the right paths, keeping us in your favor. You are our Father and you have promised to those living in Jesus Christ, super- abundance in all things which will transform us to the likeness of our Savior, if we keep the faith and tread in the Light of your supernatural grace, inviting you in our lives, through Jesus. Amen

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