Prayers and Petitions

Exodus 20:8


11 January, 2025

Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy.Exodus 20:8

Lord God, you created the entire Universe and all it holds in six days, and rested from your labour on the seventh day, commanding that we too, observe that one day of rest, the Sabbath day as holy, in total dedication to you. We are all workers in this world, and to eke out a living for us and our families is a daily routine. But we need a day kept aside, in service and sacrifice to you, Lord our God, meditating on spiritualism and dwelling on the mysteries of your works, and your tender love and mercy for your creation.

We need to keep in communion with you, and contemplate on your character, attributes, and your revelations, your precepts and commands that we grow in holiness, to be in union with your Spirit. By the sanctification of the Sabbath, we declare our service and worship of a Living God that made the world, and chose us, singularly, as his people. We declare to the world, our loyalty towards you, and our humble obedience to your commandments. Just as you complacently rested on the seventh day, considering and rejoicing in your creation, we too, honoring your command, rest and take delight in your works, singing aloud our praise and glorifying your Holy Name, by worship and veneration.

Lord God, by diligent and religious observation of the holy day of Sabbath, we establish it as the best way to secure our obedience, by a careful abstinence from servile works and by a diligent employing of the day in holy thoughts, words, and exercises, in the worship of our God in public and private, in the celebration of your works. By honoring our Creator on the Sabbath day of holy rest, we pay awed reverence to the wonderful manifestations of your greatness and thus further our own holiness and salvation for all, in Jesus’ Name. Amen

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