Prayers and Petitions

Galatians 5: 22-23

4 June, 2023

The Holy Spirit produces this kind of fruit in our lives: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. – Galatians 5:22-23

Holy God, Creator of us all, we have been created to be perfect, as you, our Heavenly Father are perfect. But fickle human nature is deceitful and depraved, and produces, most often, contaminated souls, shackled and lost in the labyrinth of sin. Jesus has taught us to carefully discern the type of tree by the fruit it produces, for we have the knowledge that a single rotten fruit can spoil the whole basket. When we are guided by your Holy Spirit and abide in Jesus, wonderful fruit is produced in our lives and spread in others’ lives.

Lord, bless us to receive Your Holy Spirit in our lives, and work your wondrous ways in us, that we may bring forth bountiful blessings in the lives of all around us. May we bear fruits of pure, selfless love and service, to love and serve you and our brethren and find delight in your service. We pray for peace and forbearance, goodwill and compassion, that we may spread joy and happiness in the lives of those around us, edifying them with the example of our lives.

Lord, help us to pardon wrongdoers and guide them to the right path, with patience, gentleness and understanding. Fill them Lord, with your love and mercy, that they may change and turn their lives to living fruitfully, growing in holiness. Help us bear all afflictions with courage, clinging to your mercy and may we subdue anger and bitterness with calm and quiet in trials and troubles. Help us to be meek and merciful, strong and faithful and to be restrained with temperance and tenderness, through Christ our Lord. Amen


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