18 June, 2021
For all the law is fulfilled in one word, even in this; Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. – Galatians 5:14
God of Mercy and Compassion, you have, in your great benevolence for mankind, rescued us, by redeeming us from enslavement to the evil one and, gathering us to yourself through the sacrificial death of Jesus, Who, having washed us free from stain of sin, sanctified us with faith through baptism. Lord, thank you for blessing us with your saving and healing grace.
Your entire Will, containing our duty towards our fellowmen, is expressed in your new covenant given to us by Jesus, to love you and to love our neighbor as ourselves. God, you are the embodiment of perfect love, you are love itself and you have shown, through Jesus, that love and service towards our fellowmen is love of you. For whatsoever we do to the least of our brothers, we do unto you. And so it is stipulated that when we fulfill this command, we fulfill your law.
In true humility we entreat you, dear Lord, to help us to be charitable towards our brethren, with true faith and undying belief, showing concern for them and leading them to you, with a pure heart and a clear conscience. May we aid them, building trust and confidence in your promises, displaying the exemplary Christian example of loving endurance, for we are perfectly justified before you, living in Christ as members of his Body. May your Spirit ever lead us to serve others in love, and thus bear powerful fruit in our life, in Jesus’ Name. Amen