25 May, 2021
If we live in the Spirit, let us also follow the Spirit. – Galatians 5:25
God of Righteousness, the foundation of all wisdom and knowledge and the fount of mercy and compassion, we humbly acknowledge that we have sinned against you grievously, and honor and glorify you for redeeming us from sacrilegious lives and transforming us to stand justified before you, waiting for your glory to be bestowed upon us in accordance with the sanctity of our lives. In perfect obedience to your Holy Will and plan to liberate us from eternal damnation, our Lord Jesus, performed the atoning sacrifice, ransoming his life, for us to receive eternal salvation.
Lord God, you work your wonders in mysterious ways, all for the sake of your creation, and though we are totally unmeritorious, you have lavished your benevolence and compassion upon all believers, who by faith in your justice and love, surrender in perfect trust to your Holy Will and follow your Holy Word, which encapsulates how our lives should be conducted. We live and abide in you, in the Spirit, fortified by the Spirit more than from any worldly principle.
Father, help us to overcome adversity threatening us in this world where those who only live in the flesh, walk in and after the flesh, and its inclination. We have been reborn by receiving the Holy Spirit to dwell in our hearts forever, as a guiding force and light, to rekindle our hearts with proper discernment of right and wrong. By thus following the Spirit and discarding worldliness, we trust our lives will produce the effects suitable to righteous living, in Jesus’ Name. Amen