Prayers and Petitions

Galatians 6:2

12 June, 2024

Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ. – Galatians 6:2

Everloving Father, we exalt your Holy Name in worship, for you have created us in perfect Love, and when we were ensnared and enslaved by the evil one, you planned our redemption because of your everlasting love and steadfastness. You sent your Son, on a mission of love, to carry the weight of the sins of the entire world, to nail those sins on the cross and to free us from them forever. This establishes the greatest love our Father God has for sinful humanity.

Such great love, Lord, is the most splendid gift to your children, given to us by the most endearing love which your Son Jesus has for his Father and for all of us sinners. He died, and gave us the gift of eternal life. He also gave us your new covenant and commandment. To love you above all, and love our brethren. As Christians and followers of Christ, we need to emulate the love you give us by showing that same concern, empathy, sympathy and love for our fellowmen, sharing their encumbrance.

Help us Lord, to selflessly give of our love to those in distress, as revealed and displayed by Jesus in the gospel. May we show sensitivity and gentleness in discerning the needs of our neighbour and give without expectations. May we project to others the immensity of your love for all your creation, demonstrating that love, for it is never rejected but grows boundlessly, spreading out and encompassing all who receive your unconditional love, written into our hearts by your Holy Spirit. May the mercy we show to all who need it, reflect the mercy and deliverance you have given us Lord, through your divine mercy, in Jesus’ Precious Name. Amen

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