Prayers and Petitions

Hebrews 12:11

13 October, 2023

No discipline seems pleasant at the time, but painful. Later on, however, it produces a harvest of righteousness and peace for those who have been trained by it.Hebrews 12:11

Dear God of Righteousness,, you are Infallible and you desire your creation, created in your image, to reflect your perfect attributes.The Kingdom of Heaven is an eternal home for the sanctified and righteous, which can be attained by following your Holy Word and doing your Holy Will. Only a disciple of Jesus, abiding in Jesus and Jesus in him, reaches your high realms and comes into your Holy Presence.

But, to achieve this requires commitment and consecration of our lives, giving Praise and glory to our Father and living in conformity with your plans for us. Only through absolute transformation to the nature of our God can we harvest the fruits of our salvation. Lord, please bless us to be discerning, to walk on the right path, to follow the right direction and to control and correct our faults and defects, strictly upholding your commandment of love and service to all and of a frugal life of sacrifice.

A life lived rigidly towards building our spiritual selves, humbly submitting to the counsel and guidance of the Holy Spirit bears and gains the fruits and virtues so desirable to enter the Kingdom of Heaven. The more strict we are, living lives of holiness, devoid of the weaknesses of the flesh, the greater will be our harvest in our eternal abode, for justice follows us sternly and exhorts us to abide in Christ, as true disciples, carrying our crosses willingly. Lord, enable us to chasten worldly desire and adhere totally to Jesus’ teachings, for only your Holy Word will obtain for us the peaceable fruits of righteousness and the salvation we seek in Jesus’ Name. Amen

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