Prayers and Petitions

Isaiah 26: 4

11 June, 2024

Trust ye in the Lord for ever, for in the Lord Jehovah is everlasting strength. – Isaiah 26:4

Heavenly God, you are the everlasting Fountain of Life, the perennial Source of Strength, the eternal Spring of Mercy. We draw from you, and live. In your Triune Godhead, rests the love of a Father Who is Strength and Refuge for your earthly children, the sacrifice of a Son of God, our Savior and Redeemer, the rock of faith and hope in salvation. And the Holy Spirit of God, indwelling in us, the source of guidance and counsel.

Lord, you are immutable and in you is righteousness for your faithful people, who are believers by and Christians by our abiding in Jesus, by our discipleship and by our belonging in solidarity to Christ and to you Father, as co-heirs to your Kingdom. By your unchanging promises to us, we are enabled, by your grace, to bear up under temptations and afflictions, to withstand spiritual foes, and to discharge our duty as evangelists of the mission we have to fulfill.

Christ, our Lord is the Rock on which the church and every believer of the church is built, against which the gates of hell cannot prevail. He has been the rock and refuge of his people in ages past, and will be in ages to come. We trust in the Lord, for it is he Who came in this world, and won salvation and eternal freedom for all those that trust in him, through all generations. Lord, we safely repose in Jesus, in a trust that surpasses all human comprehension and make every prayer to you, in Jesus’ Name. Amen

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