Prayers and Petitions

Isaiah 45:19

25 January, 2023

I have not spoken in secret or kept my purpose hidden. I did not require the people of Israel to look for me in a desolate waste. I am the Lord, and I speak the truth; I make known what is right. Isaiah 45:19

God of Refuge, and Righteousness, from the beginning of time you have stood by your created beings, forgiving their transgressions and infidelities, not counting their untrustworthy nature, nor keeping a record of their evildoing. Your Holy Word and Holy Will have been clear and open for reflection, meditation and obedience. Your commandments on slabs of rock, etched out forever, have been given for good counsel, advice, and instruction. Abba Father, you have revealed, and upbraided your people, showing your pleasure and displeasure with transparency, for you have unfathomable love, kindness and mercy.

You have never abandoned us, but have rescued, revived, restored and delivered us. Your beloved Son Jesus Christ saved us with the one time sacrificial offering of his blood, bringing us eternal salvation by your saving grace. You have given us your Holy Spirit, to dwell with us, direct our thoughts and actions and reveal the path to follow, through our voice of conscience, thus preventing our fears and suspicions from overwhelming us with despondency and despair.

Lord, when we seek you with earnest, penitent, prayerful hearts, your answer reaches us, and though it may be delayed, it is never denied. All those who call upon your name, dear God, are healed and the seeker of your holy countenance never seeks in vain, for you make manifest your radiant presence, if invoked in the Name of Jesus, for your promises are true and unfailing when we profess our faith and commitment, in Jesus’ Name. Amen


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