Prayers and Petitions

Isaiah 55:11

15 October, 2023

So will My word be which goes forth from My mouth; It will not return to Me empty, Without accomplishing what I desire, and without succeeding in the matter for which I sent it.
Isaiah 55:11

Lord God, you are a God of Power and infinite Majesty and Glory. A God of Restoration and Deliverance. You love your creation without measure and you have substantially manifested your love through your immutable promise of eternal salvation and everlasting life, to those who believe that you are their only, true God and they, your people. You embrace your faithful people and redeem and restore them, through your favors and graces, to their rightful place in your Heavenly Kingdom.

You had promised us a Messiah and you maintained your promise that every single word emanating from your mouth shall not return void and empty, but successfully complete and fulfill the purpose for which you send it. You gave us your only Son, to prosper your word, by his obedience to your plan of salvation, whereby he paid the price for the sins of the whole world, once, and for all time, by the shedding of his Precious Blood and the sacrifice of his life. Thus, you awarded us eternal life.

You bestow on your chosen people the blessing to freely partake in the richness and grace you are prepared to give all who are obedient to your Holy Word and your plans for their life. The outpourings of your blessings are for all people who come to you in faith and fervour. As the followers of Christ, we are to minister the truth of your Holy Word to those who are unbelievers by their ignorance. Lord, assist your children to live lives of holiness, hold true to your covenant and in your mercy, redeem those indulging in apostasy and immorality, for their souls to be saved, and for them to receive salvation in Jesus’ Name. Amen

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