Prayers and Petitions

Isaiah 6: 45

28 January, 2022

A good man out of the good treasure of his heart bringeth forth that which is good; and an evil man out of the evil treasure of his heart bringeth forth that which is evil: for of the abundance of the heart his mouth speaketh. – Isaiah 6:45

Lord God, we approach your altar in supplication and thanksgiving, for you have shown your favor towards your people and changed the direction of our lives with your saving grace. In our helplessness we sought you and you revealed yourself to us, claiming us as your own. You have shown us the nature of your magnificence and drawn us to the path of righteousness for your Name’s sake, rescuing and succoring us, and upholding us in our misery.

Help us discern and avoid temptations of the earth, purifying and purging ourselves from all that is wicked and surrounding ourselves with goodness and kindness as the measure we give, always raising your Name to the heavens and keeping wicked intentions at bay. Assist us Lord, in walking in your ways, to pursue the truth and drive away evil which brings us guilt and shame. May we always endeavor to keep our hearts sanctified in you.

Enable us to distinguish between good and wicked people and adroitly avoid evil companions who can bring about our destruction along with theirs. As faithful believers, may our choices be made with wisdom, in a spirit of holiness, walking with and abiding in Christ, in perfect obedience. Only by entering the truth and learning how to discern all kinds of people can we shun evil. We implore your aid in helping others to follow the right path, while adhering to what is holy in your sight, through Christ our Lord from Whom all good things come. Amen









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