Prayers and Petitions

Isaiah 60:1

6 January, 2024

Arise, shine; for thy light is come, and the glory of the Lord is risen upon thee. – Isaiah 60:1

God our Father, you created the universe out of nothing and out of a dark void you made your light shine, by speaking your Word, which came into the world as our Savior. This Word made flesh, you sent forth as the Light of the world, to dispel the darkness of sin, death, destruction and the abject state of lethargy, which had become our lot. We had fallen from grace and were lying dejected and enslaved, in the bondage of the ruler of darkness.

Lord God, we were ignorant and had lost our souls into the evil one’s captivity. We had lost hope of being rescued, but it was you, our Mighty Creator, who brought us out of the dungeon of our iniquities into a state of glowing and radiant purity and sanctity, to shine forth in the light of your grace. We are infinitely grateful to you Lord, for a new beginning in service of your Holy Name, and in deep faith and fervor rise to our duty, erasing evil from our lives, with the light of Christ and of the Gospel. Achieving enlightenment by the spirit of faith, we are called to spread it to others, thus proclaiming your glory.

We are unworthy, yet you gave us a new life, clothed us with the cleansed robes of righteousness and restored us to spiritual prosperity and happiness by our conversion. You have given us the glorious light of the Gospel of Christ, which has healed the blindness that had been so long upon us and liberated our souls to be turned to you Lord, so that we may experience your glory, your grace and your faithfulness. With the counsel of your Holy Spirit we pray to live in love and obedience, cherishing your Holy promises and seeking to do your Will, in Jesus’ Name. Amen

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