24 October, 2021
For whoever keeps the whole law and yet stumbles in one point, he has become guilty of all. – James 2:10
Abba Father, we thank you for your Grace which, when under that favor is sufficient for us. We thank you for the atoning sacrifice of our Messiah Jesus Christ, your only begotten Son, for becoming incarnate to redeem us, for now, we no longer live to sin, having died to them with Jesus’ death, when he nailed the sins of the whole world to the Cross, ransoming it with his Blood and raising us, with him, to a righteous, justified and salvific, eternal life with you, our Father God.
For before Christ, we were under the old law, which is indivisible, and so, breaking one, broke all and most importantly, broke our relationship with you, sinning against your just commands and distancing ourselves from you. We were chained to sin and deceit and damaged our souls by erring against your laws. Jesus has given us salvation and resurrected us from the abyss of sin, opening to us the fount of your mercy.
As Christians and believers in our Lord Jesus, abiding in him through the Power of the indwelling Holy Spirit, our faith has revealed the depth of your love and mercy. Your Glory is manifested through the abundant grace and compassion, peace and forgiveness you award to us when we live in obedience to your Holy Word, fulfilling your commands by our love and unity, our fellowship and our discipleship, in Jesus’ Name. Amen