Prayers and Petitions

James1: 2, 12

17 March, 2022

Count it all joy, my brethren, when you meet various trials…Blessed is the man who endures trial, for when he has stood the test he will receive the crown of life which God has promised to those who love him. – James 1:2,12

Abba Father, we give thanks and glorify your Holy Name, for your righteousness and unshakable promises, which assist us in deepening the fervor of our faith, making it flourish in the midst of the trials of human existence. The paths of life are never smooth because the ruler of darkness is never at rest, hounding us at every opportunity, to make us lose our stability in your steadfast goodness. You never give us more than we can handle.

We are exhorted, as believers in Christ our Messiah, to hold sturdy to our beliefs in the face of stiff battles that endeavor to undermine our trust in our God. The sorrows and strife we face should deepen our faith and strengthen our endurance in the sure knowledge that we are children of a God who holds fast to his promises and never abandons us. You are a faithful God.

We are passed through the furnace of purification and sanctification, which is essential, to attain our eternal rewards. Only a steadfast spirit, discerning with the wisdom endowed through fortitude and perseverance, the truth of the word of God will receive the magnificent crown of life, for which he aspires. We rejoice when we come through painful experiences undefeated, in our sureness of the sufficiency of your grace and seek to stand firm in Christ. We hold fast to your assurances, dear Father that all our tribulations are for our eternal benefit and for your greater glory and honor, through Christ our Lord. Amen

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