21 March, 2022
You will seek Me and find Me when you search for Me with all your heart.
Jeremiah 29:13
Eternal Father, God of Mercy, you call all people to your tender, loving care, to your compassion and forgiveness, for your anger does not last forever, but your mercy is inexhaustible, flowing like a river, like an eternal spring. Those who are God-fearing know your goodness and are rewarded with your grace, for you are with us always, unto the end of time. We are invited to reach out and enter into the embrace of your Mighty arms and the safety of your bosom.
For all who turn to you and call your Name, you are within reach, waiting with loving arms outstretched for with every prayer made to you, we are bestowed with your favours. You grant your Divine Presence to all who receive you, indulging them in communion with you, and favouring them with fresh supplies of your grace and every mercy, temporal and spiritual. Christ is the only way to you, Father, under the guidance and leading presence of the blessed Spirit.
With faith in your promises, with fervent spirits and ardent minds, with diligence and earnest desires, we implore you to be present in our lives, as we look out for you with sincerity of soul. We shall search for you every moment, with all our hearts, for you do not desire perfection, but integrity and humility. You do not look for sacrificial offerings but for pure and contrite hearts. When we draw nearer to you, calling upon you in truth, we are assured that you will be waiting for us, as we approach you in Jesus’ Name. Amen