Prayers and Petitions

John 13:34

12 April, 2022

I give you a new commandment: love one another. As I have loved you, so you also should love one another.
John 13:34

Dear Loving Father, Almighty God, you are Love and Love is you. You shower upon us an unparalleled, supreme love so pure and absolute that everything you’ve done for us is an embodiment of that love. All you have ever wanted of us, is to return the resplendent love you have for us. A love which entails obeying your Holy Will and accepting your plans for our lives without doubt or question, sure that as a Father, your love is real, caring, empowering, sublime and true.

Jesus, before his betrayal, bequeathed this new commandment, to ensure that his disciples would stay bound to each other by the strong power of love, which is an enveloping bond that binds one to the other, extending the same love to others, thus being living witnesses of the love of God for all humankind. This love is to be shown to our enemies as well, and is to be so sacrificial and selfless, that it becomes a distinct quality of the followers of Christ.

As Christians we are required to have Christlike love and compassion on our  fellowmen, both believers and unbelievers. As we extend this love may we walk in faith, hope and charity, becoming faithful beacons of light to spread the good news of your gospel of love, which, when embraced begets salvation and the gift of eternal life to all who believe and have faith. This will draw them into the merits of your grace, which carries with it the gift of eternal life, in Jesus’ Holy Name. Amen

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