Prayers and Petitions

John 14: 1

26 May, 2022

Let not your heart be troubled, ye believe in God, believe also in me.
John 14:1

Abba Father, thank you for your infallible plan of salvation, whereby you sent your beloved Son to earth, as the Son of Man to be our Comforter, Teacher, Counselor and Savior, redeeming the whole world and atoning for the sins of humanity. A one-time, incredible, sacrificial offering of his life as a ransom for the iniquities of the world. Enable us, in the power of the Spirit, to hold fast to this wonderful truth in your Word. Endow us with the wisdom and grace, to spread forth your comfort to others, just as Jesus gave us assurance to trust him when in trouble.

You are the source of our life and your unconditional love permeates through our lives. You fill and abound us with your grace and love. Your indwelling Spirit guides and comforts us, pointing us to the right path and giving direction to our lives, as we battle to understand and abide by your Holy Will and plans on this complex journey through life. Yet, we confess that many times, we cannot comprehend the vast measure of your work, your mercy and compassion in our endless sorrow and sufferings

Teach us to pray with fervor and faith, resorting to the help of your Spirit in all moments of our lives. May we willingly and humbly submit ourselves, body, soul and spirit into your safe keeping, resting in and abiding in Jesus, to abide in you. Heavenly Father, be with us today and always, even to the end of time, just as you have promised us through the words of our Lord Jesus Christ, for through faith, trust and belief, we seek you in Jesus’ Name. Amen

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