Prayers and Petitions

John 14:27

21 May, 2023

Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid. – John 14:27

Dear God, Infallible and Ever-loving, we thank you for the new conformity to life in your Spirit of peace, bequeathed to us through your Son Jesus Christ. Our lips will ever declare your praises Lord, for the innumerable occasions when you have redeemed us out of the chasms of evil bondage. Jesus bore our transgressions and washed away our iniquities with his Precious Blood, calming our flailing souls with the soothing peace of the Holy Spirit.

He left us this divine peace as a legacy, to safeguard us from the destructive forces of the earth. We turn to you when the rushing  waves of trouble threaten to engulf us and steal us of our tranquility. Shield us, Father, lavish upon us the peace of the pure living waters to flow within us, ridding us of all ungodliness. May your Sovereign Hand ever lead us and quieten our qualms. May our evil adversaries be thrust into hell-fire.

May we be far removed from the danger of disaster and enslavement of the hoards of hell being unleashed, living our lives with dignity only the wisdom that comes from you can give. Let your peace advance and encamp on this troubled earth and help us quell our inordinate fears. May we enter our eternal home in righteousness, in Jesus’ Name your children pray. Amen

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