13 May, 2021
Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. Not as the world gives do I give it to you. Do not let your hearts be troubled or afraid. – John 14:27
O Eternal Father, you created a world of such grandeur and splendor, unfraught with any loathsomeness, vileness or iniquity, filled with enduring, comforting, an all-encompassing equanimity, for there was absolute correlation one thing with the other, blending and working in perfect, infallible harmony and calm.
But the Spirit of darkness threw its evil, disturbing shadow onto it and tainted the pleasant array with disharmony and unrest. Man succumbed to the wicked ploy and fell from grace, away from your Presence, away from your spiritual love into the degradation and bondage of sin and its repercussions. However, you did not abandon us, but sent us a Messiah, a Messenger of Peace, Jesus Christ, to redeem us and repair the chasm between Creator and his creation.
By unfaltering obedience to your Holy Will, he offered the sacrifice of his life, in ransom for our freedom from slavery to sin and won the victory, by destroying sin aund death and gaining for us salvation and eternal life as co-heirs in your kingdom of peace. Jesus gives us his peace, through the power of his Spirit, whereby our hearts are pervaded with calm and tranquillity, as long as we walk his way, in total obedience, where there is no disquiet, which is devoid of worldly fear, evil or terror. Our voluntary faithfulness to you, God, merits us your grace and favor, and with it comes the unmitigated peace and reward of eternity, in Jesus’ Name. Amen