16 September, 2020
When the Advocate comes, whom I will send to you from the Father – the Spirit of truth who goes out from the Father – he will testify about me. And you also must testify, for you have been with me from the beginning. John 15:26–27
Heavenly Father, even as we renew our faith and belief, and glorify your Holy Name, trusting in your infallible designs for our lives, we are oftentimes clouded by our emotions and the struggles we face each day. Our minds long for your assurances that all is well and our thoughts scatter into disarray and plunge into despair.
You have granted to us the Advocate, the Comforter, your Spirit of Truth, who has been a counselor to our Lord Jesus and a source of courage to the apostles, who can illumine our hearts to regain faith in your promises and trust in your mercies, with recognition of the truth. The Holy Spirit has reproved the world of sin, stirred our souls to righteousness and shielded us from the wicked enemy.
O Holy Spirit, we implore you to aid us in surviving against the malicious attacks of Satan by dissolving into nothingness the hatred and violence we have met with from the world, by lavising the love of God among all people, by applying the promises of the Gospel to them, by witnessing their adoption, and sealing them up to the day of redemption.
Help us to propagate the all-embracing message of the glorious gospel of Grace, the profound Truth of the glory of Christ in his Resurrection and Ascension into heaven, the singular benefits of the dispensation of recompense on the day of Judgement to believers, whose faith will save them and bring them into the eternal land, to live forever in Jesus’ Name, for the everlasting praise and glory of the Father. Amen