5 March, 2021
Very truly I tell you, whoever hears my word and believes him who sent me has eternal life and will not be judged but has crossed over from death to life. John 5:24
Holy Trinity, One God, unending praise and glory be to you, the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, our One Living God, for everyone relying on Jesus’ word and accepting in faith that God the Father sent him, has the promise of eternal life and the Holy Spirit dwells in his heart, leading and guiding till he is in the real presence of the Father and Son, who stand in unity. This is our faith, which bestows upon us the blessing of salvation and the gift of eternal life.
For the Word of God was made flesh and incarnated to dwell amongst us, revealing God’s plan of redemption for the world and atoning and destroying sin and death in order to justify us before our Father. Abba Father, you have saved and delivered us through our Messiah Jesus Christ and in faith, we spread the good news to bring many more souls to conversion and your adoption of them as co-heirs in heaven.
We thank you Lord, for releasing us from condemnation and we believe Jesus’ word that our faith will relieve us from judgment now and in eternity. This is because Jesus has already paid the price of our transgressions, the penalty for our sins, on the cross. Father, as Christians, who abide with Jesus in faith, we are already reconciled to you as children of the Father, standing in righteousness, ransomed by Jesus’ blood and we owe our fidelity and faithfulness to him. Our crossing over from spiritual death to everlasting life is for an eternity, and we trust that our judgment will not condemn, but offer us our rewards, in Jesus our Lord. Amen