Prayers and Petitions

Luke 6:28

17 November, 2022

Bless those who curse you, pray for those who mistreat you. – Luke 6:28

O Righteous and Gracious Lord, Who blesses those who bless the godly and curses those who curse them, as our Creator, Defender and Protector, only you can cast just judgement by granting blessings on those worthy of it by their faith and giving punishment to those who rebel against you and against your holy people. You have commanded us, through your new Covenant with us, to live in Christ by doing what Christ taught us to do. To treat even our enemy with love and compassion.

Only those who surrender their earthly lives totally to godly aspiration, are capable, by the help of your indwelling Holy Spirit to love and bless their detractors and haters, returning good where evil is, and thus overcoming and defeating wickedness by virtue and compassion towards their enemy. Lord, revenge and conceit are human traits and weaknesses and only you can give us strength of character when we are weak. Without your help, it is impossible to achieve godliness and Christ-like love amidst enmity, hatred and discord.

Empower and enkindle the spirit of love and mercy within us, by deepening our faith and trust in your just judgement of those who oppose and insult us. Deliver us from earthly desires of vengeance and strife. Help us vanquish the evil one’s plans of defeating our attempts to emulate Christ in our attitude and behaviour. May we endeavour to destroy our human folly of seeking revenge. Instead, may we deny the evil one by emerging victorious in prayer and by practicing holiness, especially towards our enemies, in Jesus’ Name. Amen


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