Prayers and Petitions

Mark 6:31-32

13 June, 2024

And he said unto them, Come ye yourselves apart into a desert place, and rest a while: for there were many coming and going, and they had no leisure so much as to eat. And they departed into a desert place by ship privately.Mark 6:31-32

Heavenly Father, you are Provider of all the needs of your people, to the extent that, when following your Holy Plan and doing your Holy Will, you provide them rest in you. There is much comfort in taking refuge in you Lord, for our burdens are lifted, our worries taken care of and our weary minds and bodies given rest from toil, and sustenance from want. You minister to those carrying out your ministry and commission, saving them, filling them with your grace as spiritual food and supplying their bodily wants. You never abandon, or let your people toil and labor for your Heavenly Kingdom in vain.

Our Lord Jesus Christ was born into the world, to save and give all sinners who were repentant, the riches of your Glory and salvation, to reside in the Heavenly Kingdom, as sons of his Father. We have been restored, preserved, freed from iniquity and nourished spiritually, mentally and physically.. In him, there is sufficiency for all who approach him, acknowledging him as Savior and Redeemer. Christ gave of himself fully and sent not a single soul who were seeking him, empty-handed, fulfilling their needs, as they rejoiced in him.

Lord, help us to recognise our need of prioritising things, focusing on eternal wealth and values and not getting bogged down by worldly and temporal works. May we provide ourselves with sufficient rest, for restoration and rejuvenation of body, mind and spirit.. We are all well aware of the consequences of neglecting our physical needs. Assist us in maintaining a healthy balance between our daily routine and our spiritual concerns, to enable us to expand our ministerial duties and respond to the needs of people in our care. May our communal harmony bring us closer to you, in Jesus’ Name. Amen

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