17 June, 2021
Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothes?
Matthew 6:25
Dear God, we resonate in loud voices our songs of praise and honor to our great, Almighty Creator, Who created the universe and everything it holds and then created man, so that he could live in a world already filled with a wide variety of his basic necessities. You have also graciously bestowed upon him the intelligence and capacity to progress to achieve perfection and development of the invention of new ways of living.
But man has been misusing the things you have supplied, distorting and stockpiling things which corrupt, pollute and destroy the equilibrium so needed for the earth to survive. Jesus, the Word of God, through Whom all creation was made, came to earth to warn man of his wrongdoings and he not only gave us an opportunity to be restored to adoption by you, thereby opening the gates of the Heavenly Kingdom to us, but also released us from the bondage of sin and death, redeeming us to eternal salvation.
Jesus has taught us humility, service and love for all people, exhorting us to grow in faith and trust of you, for you alone are our strength, our sustenance, our provider and comforter, through the power of the Holy Spirit Who Jesus gave us as Counselor and Helper. God, you have given us our lives and our bodies, the existence of which we need not worry about, since you have granted a subsistence for them. You have given us the greater, you will also give us the less, and we need to direct our lives towards the purpose of a higher spiritual growth, glorifying you, in Jesus’ Name. Amen