Prayers and Petitions




For thus says the Lord God of Israel: ‘The bin of the flour shall not be used up, and the Lord sends rain on the earth.’” So she went back home and did according to the word of Elijah; and she and her household ate for many days. – 1 Kings 17:14-15

Elijah and his hostess believed what the Lord had said and they received what He had promised! How many times has it happened to us in crisis situations, to have a thought that surprised us, but was the right solution for us? God speaks to us in our spirits, through the Holy Spirit. His thoughts are always according to the Bible and give us a state of peace and tranquility. Even when we are wrong, the Holy Spirit convicts us of sin, but does not condemn us. His purpose is that we recognize our sin, ask sincerely for forgiveness and change.

On the other hand, the thoughts that the devil sneaks into our minds are meant to hurt us. They usually are half truth, half lie, so we may be tricked to believe them, but they cause us to fear, worry, despair, feel condemned and so on. If we do not know the truth of God’s Word, we cannot identify the enemy as being the source of our thoughts and we can be misled.


Father God, You have always performed such great miracles for Your children. Thank You for being the same yesterday, today and tomorrow. Please help me believe that You are willing and more than able to provide for me. Please help me identify which thoughts are coming from You, to verify them with Your written Word and based on the specific verses to strengthen my faith that You will do for me what You promised. Lord, You are just and holy, and You keep Your promises. Glory and Honor to Your Name forever and ever. Amen.

Source: thetruthstandsforever

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