Prayers and Petitions

Philippians 1:6

2 March, 2023

I am confident of this, that the one who began a good work in you will continue to complete it until the day of Christ Jesus. – Philippians 1:6

God of Salvation, you are the Author of our lives and we are just clay in your hands, to be molded and shaped as the process of conforming and transforming our lives in accordance with your Holy Will and plan for us continues. We work to abide in you through our Redeemer, Jesus Christ who is the Head of your Holy Church on earth, of which we constitute the branches. The indwelling Spirit aids this process of sanctification.

Our Lord Jesus has instructed us in the paths to follow, that will lead us to you. Each minute of every hour of every new day, we strive to follow your commands and walk in the way of perfection and truth. Jesus has taught us that to abide in him throughout our lives, as he abides in us, is the only way to you, for without the true vine, the branches fall off, wither and die. So also, we need to keep in step with Jesus, deep in our faith and trust.

Father, only you can give us the grace we fervently need, to increase as followers of Christ, faithfully bearing our cross and boldly walking and testifying by example, that we are Christians. We need to build up a strong community, growing stronger by spreading the good news of your Kingdom. We cannot, on our own merits, become perfect in your image, but through rebirth in the Spirit, your transforming process for sanctifying our souls will lead us to perfection in you, through our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen

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