Prayers and Petitions

Philippians 2:13

21 August, 2023

For it is God who works in you to will and to act in order to fulfill his good purpose. – Philippians 2:13

O God of Power and Might, your love for mankind is unfathomable, infinite and unconditional. It is pure, passionate and holy. Your plans and purpose for our lives are perfect, infallible and full of goodness, intending only to prosper us. If we live in you, heed your ways and do your bidding, nothing can disturb or go wrong in our lives. If we are liable for judgement and punishment it is only by our own disobedience and sinfulness. We have rebelled and have to pay the price of our trespasses and indiscretion.

Lord, our purpose to serve you faithfully brings us under your grace and favor, because humility and a contrite heart are pleasing in your sight and are ways by which we can give love, and better understanding, to our brethren, thereby increasing Christ in ourselves and giving the good news of the gospel to others. All of us Christians, are invited to serve in the same selfless way, never negligent in working out our salvation, with humble hearts, without any conceit or corporeal confidence but for love of you.

God of Beneficence, you work in our lives in wondrous manner, making us truly alive with your love, and we move towards fulfilling your Holy Will, laboring diligently to attain salvation, by spreading Christ’s ministry to all regions. Help us to labor for your glory alone, rejecting dominions of evil and spreading your goodness through evangelization. Help us, through obedience to show not what we can do by ourselves, but what we ought to will and do, by your special assistance, in the Name of Jesus our Lord. Amen

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