Prayers and Petitions

Proverbs 10:17

14 November 2023

He who learns from instruction and correction is on the path of life. But he who ignores and refuses correction goes off course. – Proverbs 10:17

Eternal Father, you have given us your Holy Word of Truth and Life, to help us attain spiritual knowledge, which alone leads to a physically and mentally strong lifestyle, giving us depth and insight into the deep mysteries of our heavenly inheritance and the pathway to gaining it. A spiritually-disciplined person will avoid excesses that destroy, rather than strengthen life, because of negative impacts that result from such excesses. Your instruction Lord, is a treasure-house of knowledge, building our virtues which almost always results in a healthier and longer life.

Lord, with you as our Refuge, no harm can befall us, for we are surrounded with the weapons of righteousness and Truth. We are extremely grateful dear Lord, for your blessings of salvation for those who uphold and honor your precepts and commands. Just as death is the wages of sin, life is the fruit of righteousness. Lord, please endow us with the virtues of patience and humility, understanding and compassion, because we are all suffering the trials of life and need to offer succor, support and sustenance to our fellowmen, advising and instructing to survive through absolute faith in your plans for each of us. We surrender completely to you.

Lead us Lord, on the path which leads to you and may we be humble and sanctified to accept reproach and correction, for the way of life, so full of reproof, needs the guidance of your Holy Spirit. Without you, we are nothing. May we understand the need of your continuous presence in our lives. Jesus is our Light and our Life and we abide in him and cling to your saving grace, dear Lord. We are in need of good counsel and stern correction to avoid falling back into the pit, keeping us steadily on the safe side of your Holy Will. Do not ever depart from us Lord, do not abandon us, lest we go astray into a detour. May we always enjoy your favor, by submission to your Will, in Jesus’ Name. Amen

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