Prayers and Petitions

Proverbs 17:28

25 September, 2021

Even a fool, when he holds his peace, is counted wise, and he that shuts his lips is esteemed a man of understanding. Proverbs 17:28

Abba Father, all wisdom, all knowledge, proceeds from you, for you are the Fount of all holiness, and the Provider of all things. You sent Jesus Christ, our Messiah, your Word, made flesh and incarnate, Who has taught us and revealed to us the Truth of your Being. By the Power of the Holy Spirit, we are guided to manifest the Truth with our tongue, and by our lips, to sing the praises of your glory. As Christians, we must speak honestly and effectively,
confess with our mouth and discern correctly, the message to propagate.

Lord God of Salvation, our sinfulness and greed brought about our downfall and was the cause of separation from you. But, as prophesied through the ages, you sent Jesus to deliver us from bondage of sin and death and be restored to you, fully justified and made righteous by the sacrificial offering of his life. Lord, you have imparted wisdom of your kingdom through the power of your Holy Spirit to proclaim your glory and the good news of eternal salvation to all who believe in you and are ready to take up their cross and follow Jesus.

As we share our faith, we should speak only by the Spirit, nothing more and nothing less. For, our words will mean nothing, if not emanating from you. We need the guidance of your Holy Spirit to convey the message of the kingdom of heaven and that power comes from you. It is wisdom therefore, to pray to you in words that are humble, concise and devout and only with your grace and favor will we be able to draw others to prayer, belief and repentance, through our Lord Jesus Christ your Son. Amen

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