23 January, 2021
The Lord has established his throne in heaven, and his kingdom rules over all…Praise the Lord, all his works everywhere in his dominion. Praise the Lord, my soul. Psalm 103:19, 22
O Mighty and Eternal God, the Sovereign of the whole heavens and earth, the entire firmament which houses all created things from the stars and the galaxies to the mountain ranges and the oceans, animate and inanimate, mortal and infinite, acknowledge you as the undisputed and unchangeable King of kings and Lord of Lords.
All your subjects, from the celestial angels, the communion of saints, the hosts of heavenly beings to the earth’s inhabitants, raise a continuous, thunderous chorus of praise and glory, worship and exaltation which reverberates through the timeless realms, with a roaring crescendo, worthy of your venerable, magnificent being.
The heavenly bodies do your bidding with precision and perfection, with honor carrying out the multitude of deeds they have been assigned, unstoppable and in perfect unison doing your bidding and following your dictates over all dominions which extend from everlasting to everlasting. The earth and nature resound with the echoes of their movements, each timed and infallible, like the precise beating of the human heart, their very existence giving you salutations.
Your dominion Lord, over all things, exerts your authority over works great and small, significant and insignificant, each timed to individually and collectively carry out your Holy Will, bringing order and unity to the zenith, and our souls chant the ultimate glory of your name, embodying your Holy Spirit and exulting in our sublime Father’s inexpressible gifts of love, salvation and righteous adoption through our faith and your grace, in Jesus’ Name. Amen