Prayers and Petitions

Psalm 106:1

29 December, 2020

Praise the Lord. Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good; his love endures forever. Psalm 106:1

O Lord, we rejoice in singing your praises and exalting your name to the heavens, where all the heavenly hosts are for all time rending the heavens with joyous chants of your goodness, mercy and majesty. We, who live by your bountiful dispensation, praise your loving kindness.

O Supreme Being, your sovereignty over all the earth is unparalleled and indisputable and the wondrous works and deeds of your mighty hand evokes awe and reverence. It is indeed beyond our capability to sufficiently express the love, gratitude and sheer veneration in meagre words or actions to display our acclaim of such a magnificent God humbling himself, delivering and sanctifying us and deeming us worthy to adopt to sonship and co-heirs in your heavenly realms.

The infinity of your presence, as the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end, the infallible and immortal God, the Light of all light, the Truth, the Lord of mighty deeds, glorious acts, the seat of infinite wisdom, the eternal and everlasting King of kings, the Prince of peace, by what name and in which way can your entire beatific being be encompassed? We can only humble ourselves and offer devoted obeisance to you, dear Father, in Jesus’ Name. Amen

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