25 June, 2021
Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path. – Psalm 119:105
Almighty God, the Author of our Salvation, you are the Light of the world, the Bestower of Peace, the Deliverer from darkness, for your word Lord, is a lamp, that illuminates the darkness and shines with a pure radiance, pointing us towards the path of truth, freedom and righteousness. It leads straight to you, making sure that we neither stumble nor trip over snags or obstacles that veer us away from your Will and commands.
Lord, we have lived sinful lives in darkness and shame, obsessed by the unholy, unwholesome and totally ungodly pleasures of the world, our souls imprisoned in the wicked alleys of the ruler of darkness. You heard our pleas Lord, and, at the time ordained by you, the Messiah, for whom the world waited, arrived and set us free. Thank you Lord, for never abandoning us, but saving us at a very great price, the life of our Savior and Redeemer, Jesus Christ.
Our path has been made clear by the revelations of your gospel truth, to preserve us from sin and misery, which often come under the guise of darkness. The Light of your Holy word brings wisdom into the soul of the unbeliever, and turns our life around with comfort in all our fears and distresses. Lord, preserve us from harm and sinful folly as we keep the light of your truth shining brightly ahead of us, avoiding deception, and living true to your ordinances, in Jesus’ Name. Amen