Prayers and Petitions

Psalm 27:1

11 January, 2021

The Lord is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear? The Lord is the stronghold of my life; of whom shall I be afraid? Psalm 27:1

O Lord God, our Consoler and Counselor, our safe Sanctuary and our strong Defender and Protector, we raise your name to the heavens in songs of glory, praise and thankfulness, for it is you who came to our rescue when we were prisoners of darkness. You lifted us up and set us free. Your perfect nature did not allow our imperfections to flourish.

You sent your Light into the world to banish the ruler of darkness to the netherworld. You ended our torment and released us from the ignominious chains of bondage of sin and death. Jesus is the Word from which Light emanated in the first sign of your creation. You sent this Light to dispel darkness and radiate knowledge, truth, and goodness throughout the earth, into the minds and hearts of all men who sought after this light. As our light, he bestows upon us joy, understanding, life and the wisdom of truth. .

As the Author of our salvation, the Lord has rescued and delivered us from our enemies. Under your protection, Lord, we are filled with a spirit of safety and security. You are our harbor and our impenetrable fortress. Lord, though we have absolute confidence that we have been saved by the blood of Jesus, and have been transformed and sanctified, our human nature makes us susceptible to trepidation, especially when circumstances threaten us.

At such moments, we plead for your mercy. Equip us with the solace and certainty that we are your children and Jesus has already gained for us your saving grace. He has already established his church and will come again to establish his eternal kingdom, of which we are partakers of a rich inheritance. We invoke your aid and assistance in pursuing the righteousness of a life supplied with your graces of boldness, courage and fortitude in the face of adversity, where fear cannot penetrate, in the name of Jesus our Lord. Amen

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