Prayers and Petitions

Psalm 37:4

4 May, 2022

Find your delight in the Lord who will give you your heart’s desire.
Psalms 37:4

God our Father, you are an Awesome, Incredible God and the marvelous works of your hands leaves us astounded, at the sheer magnificence of your glory. When we dwell on all your perfect attributes, everything else fades into nothing and we are filled with the power of your excellence, for it reveals the temporal nature of the things of the earth, while, simultaneously realizing that we come from you and will perforce be returning to you. We also realize that you are the answer to our longings.

Lord, our entire life is spent on deeply attempting to establish an experiential relationship with our Creator and Maker. With the extreme awareness of Jesus in our lives, through the power of the Holy Spirit, we are given a revelation of the immeasurable greatness of our Father God, and a true and deep love and admiration consumes our hearts and minds. It ignites and enkindles a great reverential desire to know you more and more and draws us into a knowledge of your supernatural goodness, kindness, mercy and love, in which we delight.

Jesus has, throughout his life displayed your infinite love, justice, grace, and infinite glory. By his humility and service he has reflected your great majesty. By his transcendent meekness, he has conveyed how deeply humble our God is, who never fails to reconcile and hold us to yourself, even adopting us as your children and throwing open to us the gates of heaven. We reverence your Holy Name and Holy Will and adore your supreme sovereignty, with strong faith in your saving grace and fellowship through our Lord Jesus. Amen

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