Prayers and Petitions

Psalm 59: 16

2 July, 2022

But I will sing of your strength, in the morning I will sing of your love; for you are my fortress, my refuge in times of trouble. – Psalm 59:16

Abba Father, we glorify you, we proclaim your greatness and dominion over all the earth. When our eyes open to a new dawn we delight in the gift of a new day and trust in your love, care and mercy, for nothing is impossible for you and we know that you will see us through all the obstacles we face. As your children, we humbly beseech you to hear our cry, and listen to our call. Save us and deliver us from the troubles and woes of life.

Help us to grow in faith to trust You, rely on Your strength, and remember your tender mercies. Lord, we thank you for being our place of safety and shelter when we face torment and conspiracy. We praise you for your benevolence and compassion. Let us radiate your love and zeal, by our devotion and dedication to all those around us. Let us proclaim your power, greatness, holiness and righteousness, with humility and service.

Without you, we are nothing, and with you beside us, we have nothing to fear. Your wondrous glory surrounds us, as you alone are our strength and salvation. Your Holy grace and favor is sufficient for us, Lord. We will declare your greatness to all the earth and chant your praises forever. Our help is in you, Lord, and we have full trust that you will keep your Covenant with us and lead us out of these dangerous times to safety, when we implore you in Jesus’ Name. Amen

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