Prayers and Petitions

Psalm 9: 1-2

9 October, 2023

I will praise you, O Lord, with all my heart; I will tell of all your wonders. I will be glad and rejoice in you; I will sing praise to your name, O Most High. Psalm 9:1–2

Creator God, our Rock, our Refuge, our strength, our shelter, I exult in the glory of your grandeur and am struck with wonder and awe when I take in all the splendid and majestic works of your hands. The magnificence and magnitude of your creation leaves me spellbound and speechless. It gives joy and rejoicing to my soul. It uplifts my innermost being, and my elated spirit magnifies your holy name. How marvelous are your plans, perfect, infallible and flawless. My heart is overflowing at the extent of your love and compassion.

Lord, to save us, wretched, ungrateful and slaves of evildoers, you took human form when your word was made incarnate with mortal flesh and you delivered us from the pits of sin and death, sanctifying and purifying, teaching and enlightening our deadened minds and closed hearts, awakening our faith and granting us your healing grace of salvation and eternal sonship.

Your blessings, your deliverance, your reconciling with us, your forgiveness of our sins whenever we plead with penitent hearts, seeking propitiation of our sins with the outpourings of a sincere, contrite, thankful and grateful heart, your steadfastness in never abandoning us, your justice, your righteousness, make me acclaim in wonder the greatness of our God. Be with us Lord, as you have promised, all the days of our lives and transform our hearts and open our eyes to take in and reside in your resplendent love, through Christ our Lord. Amen

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