Prayers and Petitions

Psalm 91:2

16 March, 2022

I will say of the Lord, “He is my refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust.” – Psalm 91:2

Lord God, you are Mighty and Powerful, reigning in Heaven with the just and faithful who have fulfilled your Holy Will, and the gatherings of angels and saints, incessantly calling out praises in song and melody. We hail you, O God of Might and Mercy, our Sanctuary, our place of hiding, for to all who seek you, you grant succour, all who are in danger, you give protection, all who are in need, you grant aid, each according to his want, each according to his worthiness and above all, each according to your Holy Will.

For you are our Ruler and King, O Omnipotent and Omniscient God, and we know that all who submit to you, receive your protection and support. You are our Rock, our hiding place and nothing can subdue your Power. You defend your faithful from dangers of sin and temptation, scattering the wicked and spreading your mantle of refuge over your people. Father, as your children, we believe that we are covered with your healing and saving grace.

Lord God, your only Son Jesus, saved and redeemed us and abides in all who abide in him. It is through Jesus, the Rock of our Salvation, that we have received your grace of deliverance, eternal life and sonship in your Kingdom. It is through Jesus, who dwells in you, that we have been reconciled and have communion and fellowship with our Everloving Father. Your promises are unshakable and your providence assured to all of us who trust in you implicitly, as we truly do, acknowledging you as our Ever-living God and abiding in your shelter, in Jesus’ Name. Amen

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