Prayers and Petitions

Psalm 94:19

9 October, 2021

In the multitude of my thoughts within me your comforts delight my soul. – Psalm 94:19

Dear God, our Father, you are our Refuge, our Strength, our Comfort. We give you praise and glory for the many struggles you have seen us through, for the many situations of intense worry, adverse effects and inconsolable sorrows you have steered us through. Lord, we hurt and disobeyed you and provoked your wrath and your disappointment, yet you have shown us perfect love and steadfastness.

Lord, we show our deep gratitude to you for never abandoning us, but succoring and healing us, uplifting us and giving us solace, strengthening us in our human weaknesses and delivering us from our deepest fears and most bitter traumas. Even in the midst of adversity and anxiety, you provide encouragement and support. When our minds are cluttered with distress, your tender mercy calms us and your presence quells our fears.

We can get so caught up in trying to control our own circumstances and lives that we forget the simple fact that our lives are in your hands, totally and absolutely and there is no cause for any concern, for your plans are to prosper us. This gives us consolation and joy. When anxiety is great within us, and even when it’s not, we will trust our lives into your protection and care and let you refresh our spirit and renew our strength. through our Lord  Jesus. Amen

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