11 May, 2021
The law of the Lord is perfect, refreshing the soul. The statutes of the Lord are trustworthy, making wise the simple. Psalms 19:7
Eternal Father, Glorious God of the entire firmament and its vastness, our tongue sings out your praises and tells of all the perfect attributes of our God, who is Mighty and Powerful and whose love and mercy endures forever. Lord, you are worthy, in the absolute perfection of your Being, of all worship and exaltation, of all honor and adoration. We sing songs of great exultation and rejoicing and renew and deepen our faith and trust in your wisdom and steadfastness.
Your Word of Truth, entrusted to us by our Lord Jesus, is perfect in its content, pure, true and infallible. Its promises for those who keep, uphold, follow and spread it to enlighten the world with its radiance, are unfailingly produced in those receiving it in faith and belief. The believers are restored by your Holy Word, and receiving it with rejoicing, are made wise and are filled with enlightenment and fear of the Lord.
Lord, abide in us, and convert our souls to be submissive, surrender to you in all things and uphold your statutes, your ordinances and your new covenant with us. May we be always adherent to your Holy Will, and may we repent and make sincere retribution for our multiple offenses, to find favor in your eyes. May we follow the guidance of the Holy Spirit to obtain the peace and the tranquillity of eternity, in Jesus’ Name. Amen