Prayers and Petitions

Romans 8:31

4 March, 2023

What, then, shall we say in response to these things? If God is for us, who can be against us? – Romans 8:31

Almighty God, our Father, we bless and thank you for choosing us as your people, giving us the sure heritage of entering your Heavenly Kingdom, after our stay on earth has ended, and dwelling with you forevermore. As believers, we have the free gifts of your Holy Spirit, for guidance and endurance. We also have the sure knowledge that no matter how sinful we have been, if we face you, God, with contrite hearts, no-one can come between us and you, our Gracious Father.

You are the Only One we trust in times of crisis and despair. You sent your own Son to deliver us and he became the curse, so that we could obtain the blessing of eternal salvation, thus demonstrating your unparalleled love for us. You, Almighty God, are with us, abiding in our hearts through your Holy Spirit, as we abide in our Savior Jesus and carry our cross, following him, for he alone can lead us to you. Father, we thank you for your protection. You are with us and for us and we move fearlessly forward, for we are at rest in the knowledge that nobody can surpass you, for they will surely be quelled.

We want to be worthy of your love and grace and worthy of eternal salvation, for you will be waiting with outstretched arms for your children. Because of your beloved Son Jesus’ mighty sacrifice, we are freed from the condemnation of sin and receive purification, sanctification and gratification as a just reward of the children of God. Thank you, dear Father, for your saving grace. Be with us through the power of your Holy Spirit. In Jesus’ Name we pray. Amen

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