16 August, 2020
Believe God, and he will recover thee: and direct thy way, and trust in him. Keep his fear, and grow old therein. Ye that fear the Lord, wait for his mercy: and go not aside from him, lest ye fall. Ye that fear the Lord, believe him: and your reward shall not be made void. Sirach 2:6-8
Abba Father, God of our ancestors, Who shepherded them out of the dark abyss of abject bondage into the consecrated grace of your presence, in humble submission we pledge our fealty to you forevermore. Out of your might and wondrous power you uttered the word which brought forth your marvelous creation. We erred grievously and separated ourselves from you, yet your bountiful love and faithfulness lifted us out of our infidelities, when your Word became incarnate in the form of our Messiah and released us from the grip of satanic influences. Guided by your Holy Spirit we strive to abide by the Light of your preserving grace. Your boundless compassion has liberated us from shameful condemnation and made us receptacles of your eternal benefactions. Spare us from our inadequacies, as we increase our faith in you, Lord, for without you we are reduced to nothing. As disciples of Christ, endow us with wisdom and endurance to trust and follow in your ways, reaping the harvests of righteousness it brings. We offer all our suffering to you, Lord, aspiring with earnest and zealous application to turn your wrath away from us as we continue serving you with spiritual fervor. Save us from devastation, we beseech in Jesus’ Name. Amen