16 July, 2021
We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ. – 2 Corinthians 10:5
God of Power and Might, we exalt and glorify your Holy Name, for you are the embodiment of absolute perfection and none can match the knowledge you possess. You revealed your attributes of unconditional love, inexhaustible mercy and unparalleled power when man beheld you in your Son Jesus, who gathered all your chosen elect, brought them to a state of justification by redeeming them from the shackles of sin and restored them to you in glory.
As Christians with true faith in Christ, living for him and in him, we have received the Power and wisdom of the indwelling Holy Spirit to deal with transgressors of the faith, who try to undermine the precepts and doctrines by false teaching and allegations. We seek enlightenment from your gospel of truth to refute all untruth and reasoning which are not sanctified and hence disobedient to your Holy Will. We proceed to subdue all such strongholds of unbelief by the use of spiritual warfare, resorting to your Holy Word to discredit all slander against Christians.
Your gospel of truth is sufficient unto itself to rein in and destroy all manoeuvres born of unbelief. Your power, Lord, is mighty enough to pull down and strip away the carnal understanding of men, to overthrow their false reckoning and to bring each thought by strong rational thinking to a point of reasoning, counsel, and deliberation, into conforming to the obedience of Christ. Lord, by leaning on Divine authority, help us to harness the thoughts of those needing conviction of the Spirit of truth, so that they should believe what you have affirmed, acting in obedience of Jesus our Lord. Amen
4 Prayers
Amen to the scripture verse and prayer.
Thank you Heavenly Father for your indwelling Holy Spirit who comforts, counsels and guides us everyday to live a life pleasing in your sight. Praise and thank you Jesus.??
Amen… Praise the Lord! Lovely prayer response in the name of Jesus our Lord
Amen. Dear Heavenly Father, help us to obey You and live our lives in accordance with Your Word and Your Will and follow Jesus who is the Way, the Truth and the Life. It’s in Jesus’ Precious Name, we pray. Amen.??✝️
Amen… Praise the Lord! Lovely prayer response in the name of Jesus our Lord